Yours truly with my 31 inch 22 pound Red Drum.
Below All Red Drum were over 28 inches
The largest was 39 inches and weighed 30 LBS.
A very large Sheepshead is on the far right.
Above is Cyndi Venberg from Deluth,
Minnesota with her Croaker fish.
Above is Cyndi Venberg with her
30 inch 20 LB Red Drum. She said
"It was so much fun, it fought so hard"
N0, we did not find a pot of Gold but we found a beautiful rainbow here in South Texas.
To add more to our Bay Fishing experience we were treated to dolphins playing all while we fished. There were 3 small baby dolphins that put on a fantastic show jumping 6 feet in the air several times. You usually do not see that on normal dolphin watch tours.
This was truly a very special experience.
If you want to go please call Osprey Fishing Cruises at
956 761 6655 or
Be sure to tell them the Roadrunner sent you.