We arrived back to South Padre Island safely from our trip to El Mesquital 60 mi into the Interior of Mexico. Mission was to share God's Love and the Spirit of Christmas with 150 children on the mission site. Good trip, and safe crossing at the border. God is sooooo goood. Thank you Lord for keeping us safe, and thank you Lord for my homeland, AMERICA.
Saturday 12/19/09
View map below for location.

Winter Texans & church members. (below)

Picked up baked goods. (below)

Traveling through the mud enroute to the boat dock.

Another view of the rough road to the boat dock.

Loaded boat ready to depart. (below)

Another view of the loaded boat. (below)

Used two boats to transport items
over to the Island of El Mesquital.

Some scenery from the boat ride. (below)

The kids were on the dock to welcome us. (below)

Unloading the boat.

The kids and adults helped carry items to the church.

Another view of unloading the boat.

The kids outside the church area.

This is the church building.

Residential housing below.

More residential housing near the church.
in the white bucket and it then goes into the flat
panel area where the sun vaporizes it and it comes
out in the blue container as distilled/purified water.

Below is the bathroom.

The kids playing outside.
They were great!!!! (below)

The whole group of children.

A little boy and his present. (below)

Another boy with his present.
Luz with one of the boys.

The whole group of children.

A little boy and his present. (below)

Another boy with his present.
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